Colonizing Space

Launching Humanity's Future by Inspiring Them Today.

personal thoughts

As someone whom has been interested in pretty much everything space-related, physically speaking at least, space is quite-literally the next ultimate step in continuing the advancement & evolution of Humanity.

Regardless of one's personal, religious, political or spiritual beliefs; if we do not strive in making rapid progress in this endeavor, choosing to not do so may ultimately be the cause of our demise for not journeying beyond the cradle that is the Earth. We would be subject to all potential extinction level events that could occur here on Earth, at any point in time.

From natural causes including Volcanic, Climate, Biological, Atmospheric, to man-made causes, to space related events such as Asteroids or other objects impacting Earth, Solar activity, to extrasolar events that originate from beyond our Solar System (GRB's Supernovae, travelling rogue objects, etc.) & maybe even beyond our host Galaxy, the Milky Way.

Humanity has a natural curiosity; As well as for exploration & seeking to understand the unknown. What we do here, in the now & immediate future will determine or dictate the course/path to how we continue on. Let no one underscore or undervalue whatever it is that you do for a living that contributes to the bigger picture. Everyone plays a part or role. In space, where it's devoid with planets that are either inhospitable or a bit of a fixer upper, which require some TLC.

We need everyone. From all walks of life with their own unique skillset to not only recreate what it is that we have here on Earth on to other worlds, but also providing an opportunity in advancing our existing knowledge & understanding. Refining, improving & enhancing; as well as discovering new methods or ways of doing things, which'll only help bolster what we already have here. And not just for ourselves, but for life in general & Earth. We need each other. We can face nearly any struggle or hardship when we decide as a collective, to look beyond or past our differences and unite under a common cause. There is no, 'i' in 'Team'. No, 'one' can do it all alone.

They say God created everything. That the essence of God is contained within each & every single one of us; in every living cell of your body. Therefore making God not just one being, but a reflection in you. You were created in God's image. And God is the embodiment of love, here in this plane. God & Science can coexist. Science being a way or a tool in understanding God's creations, how they work & are made. The statement when someone says that scientists are, 'Playing God' isn't entirely inaccurate. Whether you believe in such, or not and with that being said, we must also remain open-minded. Regardless of any doubts or skepticism which one may hold; as the latter can still lend to be beneficial from beyond what may be considered controversial subjects or topics.

If you choose to believe nothing, you'll never find a sense of balance, guidance, direction, or a sense of purpose which would be most meaningful to you personally in your lifetime in this world. You'll just coast by. Living to die. You'll doubt everything, all the time. Belief is a multipurpose tool. It can provide you some stability when things go awry in your life in providing you some measure of comfort during a time of sorrow, to a sense of drive after solving a complex/difficult problem because you chose to believe in that knowledge and have actively used it to benefit you more than just in solving whatever that problem was, but it providing you with drive & confidence to solve even harder problems currently, or in the future. But with less doubt in mind to your capabilities. You have the power to add meaning to your life. Even when things seem meaningless. You have a choice.

With the above stated, we must be willing to engage in different or abstract ways of thinking that is beyond the scope of what's considered 'normal'. In doing so, con provide new ideas, concepts or a different approach to handling or solving an existing or new problem in the future. Sometimes it's not about the answer, but more about asking the right question. Remaining open-minded & listening intently to another's idea or solution whilst not insulting, mocking or bashing them for it because it may sound absurd, asinine or far-fetched to you.

With Human emotions & feelings, you'll wind up creating friction or conflict between you & the other(s). Thus potentially creating a hostile or destructive outcome at some point that would be directed towards you, towards another (Either related or unrelated), or to the individual receiving of your remark(s). If left unchecked and with repeated insult regarding the same towards another, will further exacerbate & create a likelihood for the same to occur again; but with someone else. Try to remain considerate of others' feelings when/where/if necessary.

We can be a Shepherd for Earth, introducing life elsewhere. With all of this, comes a great amount of responsibility to take in to consideration, so we must tread carefully in our attempts and take as much precaution as possible but also not letting fear or control choke, suffocate or restrict this progress. Otherwise, it can cause irreversible damage to any progress we make or have made.

We must be proactive in identifying & stopping of any destructive habits & behaviors; to which the intent or motive for such, is the result of one's own anger, hatred, spite, revenge, or other emotion which would ultimately lead to any destructive outcome. Not just for the sake of others, but also to ourselves; in whichever way it manifests. Such loss of self-control can also cause irreversible/permanent damage to any progress we make in any hostile or harsh environment. We would not have the luxury of merely stepping outside our homes without some kind of suit or apparatus to keep us alive & well.

Who knows what other secrets that out there in the universe that is just waiting for us to discover them when we, as a collective whole, choose to commit & go head in to the efforts in exploring & colonizing other worlds, other celestial objects & space in general. Perhaps one day, we would have the capability of terraforming celestial bodies, whether that be a planet, moon, asteroid, or artificial planetoid; to which we can enjoy how it once was. Learning to appreciate what we had in the past in the earlier times of our existence. Or perhaps we'd progress to a point where living within a biological form would no longer be necessary and could potentially live far longer via artificial means.

We hold a unique opportunity as a species to do what no other life form has (To our knowledge) done before in traversing & establishing a permanent Human presence beyond our Earth (Beyond Earth's Orbit). Well, perhaps there are some Tardigrades floating out & about, as they can be quite resilient! So to venture from beyond the cradle that is the Earth, to traverse the solar system & establishing a permanent presence from beyond our home can, and most certainly will, benefit us immensely in the long-term. Might I add, not just ourselves, but also for the benefit of other life forms too. From useful microbes, to seeds, plant life, fishes, land animals, birds & the bugs (Hi Bees!).

We have the unique opportunity & hold within our hands, to not only preserve life, but introduce life elsewhere, once we've firmly established a livable presence on the surface of, or beneath the surface of another world. Whether that be an enormous asteroid that is in a locked orbit to our Sun, to the Moons of Jupiter or Saturn. The potential is there! Really everywhere when you think about it!

If you've ever heard of the Kardashev Scale, it describes the different levels of technological advancement, based on energy consumption. From Type-1, which would be a civilization that would be able to store & utilize all of the energy from their host planet; all the way to a Type-3 civilization (Which would be called a galactic civilization) that would be able to control the energy of the entire host galaxy. We are no where near such capabilities to be a Type-3 civilization. However, we are most certainly on our way from becoming Type-1. We are extremely close.

This all sounds like fantasy or science fiction. Yet, when you look at all of the progress & advancements that have been made within the span of a thousand years, we've done so much to help us grow. Not just villages, towns, cities, etc; but ourselves more importantly. Life expectancy is the biggest improvement for ourselves. In the days of the Egyptians, life expectancy was at 30 to 40 at most. Now, we regularly have people living past 100+ years. It'll only remain science fiction if we remain content with doing nothing. This is a message to inspire. A message of hope. A message for action. A message for unity. Without it, we'll perish far sooner than we should have. Not just for Humanity's sake, but for all life here on this planet.

Here are some videos that I hope you take a chance to watch and educate yourself some or at least hope that this content can provide you some new ways of thinking, ideas, and more! This page will be updated regularly.

It Can start here.

From SpaceX's latest presentation, demonstrating their goal of getting us a rapid, fully-reusable means of taking us to & from the Moon, Mars & beyond with their latest super-heavy rocket currently in development, Starship.

spacex's vision for mars

This would be a sort of glimpse in to the goal of what Elon Musk & his company, SpaceX, wishes to achieve within this century.

The potential future

If humanity committed to becoming multiplanetary, this can be a glimpse into the potential future for human civilization.

the future of colonizing space

Neil DeGrasse Tyson at the World Government Summit (WGO).

inventions from space

These are but some of the technologies invented from our space endeavors, which benefit us here on Earth.